Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2016
The Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting took place on 8 March, 2016.
The AGM took place at Frösundaviks allé 1, Solna, Sweden.
Nomination committee
The nomination committee consists of the following members:
- Magnus Skåninger, Ministry of Finance, for the Swedish government
- Rasmus Lønborg, Ministry of Finance, for the Danish government
- Jan Tore Føsund, Ministry of Trade and Industry, for the Norwegian government
- Peter Wallenberg Jr for the Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Foundation
Registered shareholders in SAS AB’s register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB may contact the nomination committee via the following address:
- SAS AB Nomination Committee 2016
- c/o General Counsel Corporate Legal Affairs / STODL
- S-195 87 Stockholm, Sweden
You can download the instructions for the Nomination Committee below.
Proposals or questions for the AGM
To be able to prepare the notice to convene the Shareholder’s Meeting, SAS AB should have received this in writing no later than 19 January, 2016.
- SAS – Årsstämmoprotokoll 2016 inkl bilagor - Svenska - March, 2016
- Notice convening the AGM 2016
- Proxy form in Sweden – in Swedish
- Notification form Denmark 2016
- Notification form Norway 2016
- Board of Directors including nomination statement 2016
- Revisorsyttrande enl 8 kap 54§ om huruvida årsstämmans riktlinjer om ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare har följts
- Styrelsens redovisning av ersättningsutskottets utvärdering för 2015
- Instruction-for-Nomination-Committee-for-the-AGM-2016-Swedish
- Instructions for the Nomination Committee for 2017
- Valberedningens motivering och arbete
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