Welcome to SAS Group
- Supplier information
Please see below important information on how to send invoices to SAS including requirements necessary for SAS to accept an invoice.
You will find relevant information on this webpage and be able to download additional information useful for invoicing.
For questions or support, please see contact information at the end of page.
Approved ways of invoicing to SAS
Please see below accepted invoice solutions, according to our General Terms and Conditions:
- Electronic invoicing (preferred solution)
- PDF invoicing
Below you will find, specified information for each invoice solution:
Electronic invoicing
SAS approves electronic invoicing through our external provider Pagero.
Please go directly to the SAS Group site at https://www.pagero.com/project-pages/sas/ for more information.
IATA's Simplified Invoicing and Settlement (SIS) a cost-effective, e-invoicing platform developed by IATA. The platform allows suppliers to use one invoicing standard, for all their airline customers.
For more information and to sign up, please go to IATA - Simplified Invoicing and Settlement (transfer to external website).
If electronic invoicing is not an option, we accept PDF format.
Please Note! Each pdf file needs to contain only one invoice and including supporting documents (if applicable).
If you have received a purchase order from your SAS reference, the purchase order number is to be added on your invoice.
We kindly ask you to send us an invoice per purchase order, collective invoice containing several purchaser orders are not approved.
Please Note! SAS Purchase Order also contains all invoice information needed for the supplier.
For any questions regarding a purchase order we kindly ask you to contact your SAS contact person.
Please see our complete list over all SAS Group Companies and invoice addresses, in the attached document:
Following information is mandatory for SAS to accept an invoice:
- SAS company name with corresponding FE-code, see document above
- Correct billing address and VAT number, see document above
- SAS reference - we prefer that you state “Your Reference” information on your invoice followed by:
- Employee number (5 digits)/name, example: 12345/Kalle Karlsson
or: - Employee number (3 letters/3 digits)/name, example ABC123/Kalle Karlsson
- Employee number (5 digits)/name, example: 12345/Kalle Karlsson
- SAS reference is required on the first page of the invoice.
- Supplier information including corporate name, address, VAT number (if applicable) and banking details.
Please Note! If not all mandatory information is stated on the invoice and/or supplier information above is missing, the invoice will directly be rejected and sent back to supplier for correction. A credit memo is not needed.
Payment will be made 45 days after receipt of a correct invoice, unless otherwise agreed in contract.
In case of additional questions, please contact Accounts Payable [email protected] (SAS business partner).