SAS Interim report January-March 1999
Highlights of the Interim Report as per March 31, 1999
• The SAS Group’s income before taxes amounted to MSEK –22 (613).
• The SAS Group’s operating revenue increased by 1.6% to MSEK 9,621.
• Passenger traffic (RPK) increased by 1.8%. Traffic in Business Class decreased by 7.6% while Economy Class increased by 6.8%. The number of passengers increased by 3.2%.
• Cash flow from operations amounted to MSEK –3 (772).
• Capital gains on sales of shares and other fixed assets amounted to MSEK 387 (297).
• Earnings per share amounted to SEK –0.02 (2.51) for SAS Danmark A/S, SEK 0.22 (2.85) for SAS Norge ASA and SEK –0.10 (2.72) for SAS Sverige AB.
• SAS’s parent companies report income after taxes as follows:
SAS Danmark A/S –1 (102) MDKK
SAS Norge ASA 10 (126) MNOK
SAS Sverige AB –7 (192) MSEK