SAS Interim report January-September 2000
• The SAS Group’s income before taxes was MSEK 1,060 (601). Income for the third quarter amounted to MSEK 328 (105).
• Income excluding capital gains amounted to MSEK 780 (–9) for the nine-month period and MSEK 337 (–72) in the third quarter.
•Passenger traffic (RPK) increased by 7.6%. Traffic in Business Class rose 7.0%.
• Increased fuel costs had a negative impact on earnings of MSEK 1,091 compared with the same period in the previous year. The business improvement program is progressing according to plan which led to a 3.2% reduction in the unit cost, excluding the higher fuel costs.
•Cash flow from operations amounted to MSEK 1,728 (1,149).
•Earnings per share amounted to SEK 4.93 (3.20) for SAS Danmark A/S, SEK 4.67 (2.98) for SAS Norge ASA, and SEK 4.95 (3.19) for SAS Sverige AB.
•SAS’s parent companies report the following income after taxes:
SAS Danmark A/S MDKK 206 (126)
SAS Norge ASA MNOK 213 (132)
SAS Sverige AB MSEK 349 (225)
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