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SAS Interim report January-September 2001

November 6, 2001 12:36

On October 8, flight SK686 crashed in Milan and 118 people lost their lives in the worst air disaster in SAS’s history.

• Recession and weaker demand, which intensified considerably after September 11, are the main reasons for SAS’s weak result in the third quarter.

• Operating revenue rose 11.2% to MSEK 38,623.

• Earnings before depreciation and leasing costs for aircraft (EBITDAR) decreased during the period January-September by 13.3% to MSEK 3,290 (3,794).

• Income before taxes amounted to MSEK 7 (1,108). Income for the third quarter was MSEK – 213 (343).

• Earnings per share for January-September for the SAS AB Group amounted to SEK –0.41 (4.78) and equity per share amounted to SEK 101.78 (98.15).


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