SAS Interim report January-December 2001
On October 8, flight SK686 crashed in Milan and 118 people lost their lives in the worst air disaster in SAS’s history.
• Continued weak demand due to the events of September 11, the subsequent acts of war, and substantially reduced Business Class traffic, are the main reasons for the weak result in the fourth quarter.
•Operating revenue for the full year amounted to MSEK 51,433 (47,540).
•Earnings before depreciation and leasing costs for aircraft (EBITDAR) decreased during the period January-December to MSEK 3,168 (5,608).
• Income before capital gains for the full year amounted to MSEK –1,790 (1,291).
• Income before taxes amounted to MSEK –1,140 (2,829). Income for the fourth quarter was MSEK –1,147 (1,721).
• SAS strengthened its market position in a weak market.
• Earnings per share for the full year 2001 for the SAS Group amounted to SEK –6.58 (12.98) and equity per share was SEK 96.06 (106.50).
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