SAS Interim report January-June 2002
• Operating revenue for the first half of 2002 amounted to MSEK 31,643 (25,948), an increase of 21.9%. For comparable units, operating revenue decreased by 3.4% while operating revenue in the second quarter rose 0.1%.
• Income before depreciation and leasing costs for aircraft (EBITDAR) in the period January–June amounted to MSEK 3,832 (2,408). EBITDAR in the second quarter was MSEK 3,248 (1,237).
• Income before capital gains amounted to MSEK –133 (219) in the first six months of the year. Income for the second quarter was MSEK 1,180 (142).
• Consolidated income before tax amounted to MSEK –407 (220), of which Scandinavian Airlines accounted for MSEK –569 (–56).
• The acquired companies Braathens and Spanair had a positive impact on consolidated income before tax of MSEK 315.
• CFROI for the 12-month period July 2001-June 2002 was 11% (15%). Since the Group’s return requirement is 20%, this result is far from what is required to meet the set target.
• Earnings per share for the SAS Group for the period January–June amounted to SEK –2.15 (0.87) and equity per share amounted to SEK 89.62 (104.95).
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