SAS Braathens has signed an agreement with Helseforetakenes
SAS Braathens has signed an agreement with Helseforetakenes’
( total business
SAS Braathens and Widerøe with partners have been chosen for
Helseforetakenes’ total business. The agreement is running for two years
and estimated at appr. MNOK 300-400 each year.
The agreement comprises SAS Braathens’ total network within Norway and
internationally. The agreement is valid for both patients and
Helseforetakenes’ business travel.
– We are very satisfied that Helseforetakene have chosen us.
Helseforetakene are significant users of travel services, both for
patient’s travel and business travel. SAS Braathens and Widerøe have a
network in Norway, that fully cover Helseforetakenes’ need for travel.
We have been chosen because of our network and the price and product
concept we offer. An important part has also been the distribution and
payment solutions we can offer Helseforetakene as customers, says Stein
Bemer, Director Sales Corporate Market for SAS Braathens
For further information:
Robin Kamark, Phone. +47 95 71 64 12
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