SAS Interim report January-December 2003
• Operating revenue for the full year amounted to MSEK 57,754 (64,944), a decrease of 11.1%. Operating revenue for the fourth quarter amounted to MSEK 13,824 (16,709). For comparable units and adjusted for currency effects, operating revenue for the period decreased by 8.7% or MSEK 5,639 and by 11.7% in the fourth quarter.
• Income before depreciation and leasing costs for aircraft (EBITDAR) amounted to MSEK 3,761 (7,294) for the year. EBITDAR in the fourth quarter was MSEK 814 (1,332). Adjusted for restructuring costs and nonrecurring costs, EBITDAR was MSEK 4,269 (7,261) for the full year and MSEK 1,167 (1,243) for the fourth quarter.
• Income before capital gains and nonrecurring items amounted to MSEK–2,221 (-736) for the period. This negative result is mainly attributable to the first quarter. Income for the fourth quarter was MSEK -415 (-647).
• Income before tax amounted to MSEK –1,470 (-450) and MSEK -245 (-683) for the fourth quarter.
• Income after tax amounted to MSEK –1,415 (-132) and MSEK -581 (-284) for the fourth quarter.
• CFROI for 2003 was 7% (13%).
• Earnings per share for the SAS Group amounted to SEK –8.60 (-0.81) for the full year and SEK –3.53 (-1.73) for the fourth quarter. Equity per share was SEK 79.84 (92.33).