SAS Group September traffic figures
• SAS Group carried 3.8 million passengers in September, up 4.7% vs 2006.
• Total load factor improved 1.5 p.u. to 75.5%, which is the highest recorded for the SAS Group in September.
• SAS Group’s capacity increased by 3.9% in September and traffic increased 5.9% vs 2006.
Group market trends and yield development
SAS Group carried 3.8 million passengers in September, up 4.7%. On a 12 months basis the Group has carried 40.9 million passengers. The standstill of 27 Dash 8 Q400 from Sep 12 affected capacity and traffic negatively by approx 2 p.u.on Group level and 3 p.u. for Scandinavian Airlines in September.
Yield for Scandinavian Airlines in August was up 2.0%. The yield is positively affected by good capacity control, active yield management and positive effects from the new commercial initiatives launched in March. For September 2007 yield increase is difficult to estimate due to the Dash 8 irregularities, but is expected to be slightly smaller than for August. The result impact from the Q400 standstill is estimated to be approx. MSEK 300 in direct costs and MSEK 200 in indirect costs.
The market is characterized by good demand and the passenger volumes continue to grow. The yield environment continues to be favorable. There are still uncertainties regarding the strength of future growth as well as the competitive situation and development of jet fuel prices.
For further information Please contact VP,Head of SAS Group Investor Relations Sture Stølen
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