SAS Group's December traffic figures
• SAS Group’s traffic decreased by 12.5% during December and seat capacity was down 10.2% vs 2007.
• SAS Group carried 2.2 million passengers in December, down 3.0% vs 2007.
• Total passenger load factor in December was down by 1.7 p.u. to 64,8%.
Group market trends and yield development
Yield for Scandinavian Airlines in November was up by 3.3%, in line with earlier indications. For December 2008, the change in yield is expected to improve slightly and be positive versus last year.
The market is characterized by lower demand due to weaker macroeconomic development in Scandinavia and worldwide. The challenges within the credit market will most likely result in an even more difficult macroeconomic environment in SAS Group’s core markets. The SAS Group is currently implementing measures – Profit 2008 – to improve the result development. The measures comprise both revenue enhancing and cost measures totaling SEK 1.5 billion. Capacity reductions of 10% as announced earlier are gradually taking effect. The program is running according to set out plan. More capacity cuts are likely to be implemented in 2009.
SAS Scandinavian Airlines
• Total number of passengers reached 25.4 million during 2008, a decrease by 0.2%.
• Traffic decreased by 9.4% in December
• The passenger load factor decreased by 3.2 p.u to 66.1% in December.
Scandinavian Airlines International’s total intercontinental traffic decreased by 10.9% in December vs last year and capacity was down 4.2 % Traffic on both Asian the USA routes was down 11% . The total passenger load factor was 74.5%, down 5.5 p.u.
Scandinavian Airlines Danmark decreased its capacity with 10.2% and the total traffic decreased 8.4% in December. On European routes, the capacity was reduced with 6.7% but traffic was only down 4.7%. The total load factor was 63.8%, up 1.3 p.u.
Scandinavian Airlines Norge’s capacity decreased by 5.7% and traffic was down by 8.1%. Total load factor was 56.4%, down by 8.5 p.u.
Scandinavian Airlines Sverige’s capacity decreased by 12.9%. The total traffic was down 9.2% resulting in a 2.8 p.u. higher total passenger load factor of 67.7% in December.
Punctuality (December)
Within 15 minutes 85.6% of the flights departed on time and the regularity was 99.2%.
Internet bookings (November)
The proportion of Internet bookings was 34.9% (34.4%) in November 2008
For further information Please contact VP,Head of SAS Group Investor Relations Sture Stølen
+ 46 8 797 1451