More efficient flights at Stockholm-Arlanda Airport
On 1 January 2015, it will be possible to predict to the minute the landing time of an aircraft, when it will arrive at and leave the gate and when it will take off again. This in turn will lead to even better punctuality, reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions. Together, Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, Swedish air navigation services (LFV) and SAS Scandinavian Airlines are going to make this happen.The three parties involved, Swedavia, LFV and SAS, have a history of collaborating on various projects over the last ten years. For example, they introduced “green approaches” from just over 10,000 meters (approx. 33,000 feet) in May 2008. Another example is curved approaches to Runway 3 at Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, which are now regularly used by SAS.
“Increasing efficiency, while at the same time reducing emissions is vital for the entire aviation industry. Being at the forefront of this development and inspiring others to do the same is something of which all partners in this collaboration are very proud,” says John S. Dueholm, acting President and CEO of SAS.
What is unique about this new collaboration is that the three parties are now linking their projects in order to accelerate development.
“We are taking things a step further. We know what must be done and now we are turning words into action,” says Kerstin Lindberg Göransson, Airport Director, Stockholm-Arlanda Airport.
Right now, all three are heavily involved in a major EU project (SESAR JU) to create a single European airspace in order to reduce waiting times, eliminate unnecessarily long routes, etc. This aims, among other things, to reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions by 10 per cent by 2020.
“Sweden was the first to develop a number of innovations within air navigation services that have contributed to lower emissions. Now we are taking things a step further and creating the conditions for even more advanced green approaches,” says Thomas Allard, Director General of LFV.For more information, please contact:
Jan Lindqvist, Swedavia’s Head of Corporate Communication Stockholm-Arlanda Airport;
tel. +46 (0) 708 916 402
Carl Selling, Director Group Communication at LFV; tel. +46 (0)733 520 908
Lars Andersen Resare, Director Environment & CSR at SAS; tel. +46 (0)709 972 346
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