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Change in number of shares and votes in SAS AB

February 28, 2018 17:35

SAS AB (“SAS”) has as previously announced carried out a partial compulsory redemption of preference shares. The redemption of preference shares has resulted in a change in the number of shares and votes in SAS as follows:

Prior to the redemption of preference shares, there were in total 389,582,551 shares in SAS corresponding to 383,282,551 votes, of which 7,000,000 were preference shares, corresponding to 700,000 votes, and 382,582,551 were common shares, corresponding to 382,582,551 votes.

Following the redemption procedure, the number of preference shares in SAS has decreased by 4,898,448, corresponding to 489,844.8 votes. As of 28 February 2018, there are in total 384,684,103 shares in SAS, of which 2,101,552 are preference shares, corresponding to 210,155.2 votes, and 382,582,551 are common shares, corresponding to 382,582,551 votes, 382,792,706.2 votes in total.

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